Bailey - Mail Order Brides
Bailey - Mail Order Brides
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Bailey McFarland is determined to prove herself as a skilled veterinarian, but when a man from her past suddenly reappears, her well-ordered life is thrown into chaos. Desperate to escape his unsettling presence, she sends a letter to a family friend who runs a matrimonial agency, hoping to become a mail-order bride as quickly as possible. The last thing she wants is to remain under the same roof as her childhood tormentor, Captain Emmett Robinson.
But fate has other plans. When Emmett is unexpectedly shot, Bailey finds herself in the impossible position of having to care for the very man she's trying to avoid. Despite her reluctance, her medical expertise means his survival is in her hands. As she tends to his wounds, Bailey realizes she’s not only in danger of losing her heart, but of having it shattered beyond repair. The clock is ticking, and she can only hope her family friend hurries with a match—before Emmett heals and her defenses crumble.
Bailey McFarland is determined to prove herself as a skilled veterinarian, but when a man from her past suddenly reappears, her well-ordered life is thrown into chaos. Desperate to escape his unsettling presence, she sends a letter to a family friend who runs a matrimonial agency, hoping to become a mail-order bride as quickly as possible. The last thing she wants is to remain under the same roof as her childhood tormentor, Captain Emmett Robinson.
But fate has other plans. When Emmett is unexpectedly shot, Bailey finds herself in the impossible position of having to care for the very man she's trying to avoid. Despite her reluctance, her medical expertise means his survival is in her hands. As she tends to his wounds, Bailey realizes she’s not only in danger of losing her heart, but of having it shattered beyond repair. The clock is ticking, and she can only hope her family friend hurries with a match—before Emmett heals and her defenses crumble.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "This has to be one of my favorite books that I have read!!!! What a sweet story of love! God bless you!" Amazon Review
Chapter One Look Inside
Chapter One Look Inside
Texas, 1866
Dear Milly Crenshaw,
I have just received some unsettling news, and I’m not sure how to handle it. As you know, I have lived with my aunt since I was nine years old, and although she and her husband have treated me well and raised me to be a lady, those first few years with her family were not pleasant.
My aunt’s stepson was a thorn in my side since before he joined the military several years ago. Now he is coming back, and he plans on staying at his father’s house until he can start a new life. My aunt and uncle are now pushing me to marry, but I have been busy studying to be a veterinarian and don’t have time for courtship or to fall in love. Now I’m feeling desperate because I don’t want to live in the same town, let alone the same house, with my childhood terror.
I hope you understand my plight and can help me. I won’t be able to handle my aunt’s womanizing stepson who has no morals. I fear he will return to his childhood tactics that made my life intolerable, and I won’t have the patience to put up with him. I mean, what if I strangle him… or heaven forbid, shoot him?
I realize the only option I have is coming to you and begging for help with your business – Westward Home and Hearts Matrimonial Agency. You were once my parents’ closest friend, and I pray you will help. Please find me a husband, preferably one who doesn’t mind that I want to be a veterinarian.’
Sincerely, Bailey McFarland
Bailey set her writing pen down and reread her letter. Her chest ached with worry that things would not work out her way and that her life would be hell on earth if she couldn’t find a husband soon. She was certain her aunt’s stepson would be surprised to see how much Bailey had changed. No longer was she the simpering little girl who cowered every time Emmett came near, nor was she the crybaby who went bawling to her aunt whenever Emmett hurt her. Instead, Bailey had grown to be a strong, self-assertive woman.
Nobody stopped her from accomplishing her goals, not as long as she could use the brain God had given her. If Emmett dared try to go up against her this time, he would discover quickly what kind of a monster he had turned her in to. Revenge would be sweet, indeed! It didn’t matter that he was seven years older than her, she would show him that he couldn’t hurt her anymore.
However, it would be difficult to forget how many times he locked her in the cellar late at night, telling her that the devil would find her if she cried or made a noise.
Thankfully, she grew to realize that Satan didn’t work like that – only the evil Emmett Robinson could accomplish such a feat. And what about those times he had shortened Bailey’s dresses or ripped the seams right before her parties? She had been humiliated in front of her friends. There were even times he had tied her up in the backyard behind the tall hedges and singed the edges of her long light-brown hair with fire.
Bailey reached up and stroked her palm down her wavy locks of hair. Luckily, her hair had grown back long and was now soft and silky like it should be.
She quickly slipped the letter in an envelope and addressed it to her parents’ dearest friend. She held it tightly in her hand as she tiptoed out of her bedroom and headed downstairs. Mornings were usually quiet in the Robinson household. Teddy, Emmett’s father, owned a profiting lumber store in town. Teddy and his oldest son, Jacob, were already at the store this early in the morning. Aunt Betty was probably still sleeping since the middle-aged woman usually stayed up late at night attending social functions.
She moved into the kitchen and found an apple. This would work just fine for breakfast. Of course, she also didn’t want to waste another minute eating when it was most imperative that she get this letter to the Post Office.
As she headed to the barn, the family dog, Bandit, jumped on her several times to get her attention, but she ignored the long-eared, furry animal and moved to a horse. Trying to eat and saddle a horse at the same time was a little more time-consuming, but soon she was on her horse and heading quickly to deliver her letter. The roads were quiet this morning, thankfully, because usually when riding to town, people were out and about, which meant that someone would want to stop her and chat.
She made it to the Post Office and gave the clerk her letter without any interruptions. She mounted her horse and took off toward home. Another bonus about being an early riser and going into town without many people around was that she could wear her trousers. Riding astride was much easier with pants. Of course, most men hadn’t understood her need for comfort. Neither had they understood how she enjoyed going fishing and actually gutting the fish herself. Bailey figured that stemmed back to when she was young, and her father took her fishing. He had taught her so many things that most girls never learned. And speaking of fishing...
She eyed the river. Slowly, her mouth turned up into a grin. She hadn’t been fishing for over two weeks, and suddenly, the prospect of being one with nature – and getting her feet wet, of course – became too much of a temptation, and she urged her horse a little faster.
As she came almost to the edge of town, she saw a tall man with wide shoulders, walk out of the bank. Nicely dressed in his long over-coat, hat, and of course, his fancy boots, was the mayor’s son, Eugene Dickson. The man with blondish-brown hair was the most recent gentleman to take an interest in her. He was sweet and not as serious as the last man to court her, but Eugene was also not exactly her type. He didn’t enjoy getting his hands dirty… and unless a man was all right with getting his hands slimy from fish guts, she lost interest in him quickly.
Ducking her head, she urged the horse with her heels, trying to get the animal to go faster so that Mr. Dickson wouldn’t see her. He would be absolutely appalled if he saw her wearing trousers, and she didn’t want to embarrass him in any way.
As she kept low, she pushed her horse faster. Soon, she was out of town and in the wooded area, so she pulled gently on the reins to slow the animal. At that moment, a jackrabbit zipped across the road, startling the horse. The horse came to a sudden stop and reared, lifting his front legs in the air.
Not prepared for the sudden action, the reins slipped out of her hands and she fell back, tumbling to the hard ground. Her breath was knocked out of her, and for a few moments, she couldn’t breathe. Bailey struggled to a sitting position, trying not to panic as she tried to force her lungs to start working again. Finally, her body allowed breath to come into her lungs, but then other places on her hurt. Her ankle throbbed painfully.
Great… just great. Bailey frowned. A sprained ankle was something she didn’t need. She pulled her knee up to her chest and tried to feel her ankle without taking the boot off. She didn’t dare remove the boot right now. The swelling would keep the boot from going back on, and if she had to walk home, she needed support.
She moved her attention around her and through the trees on both sides of the dirt road, searching for her horse. Dagnabbit! This was not a good place for her horse to run off, because now she couldn’t see him.
As she tried to stand, she gritted her teeth against the pain shooting through her leg coming from her ankle. She couldn’t allow the pain to halt her goal, and yet, if she couldn’t stand, she couldn’t walk, and therefore she would never get home. She applied pressure to her foot, but the pain had her crumbling back to the ground and crying out.
Perhaps crawling back home was her only option. She would do whatever she must, but after a couple of crawls in the direction of home, she realized her knees weren’t made for the rocky path. Still, she must keep moving, even if she huffed and puffed the whole way. At least she realized why Uncle Teddy had named the animal Bucky.
The rush of the nearby river was louder than normal. Of course, they had gotten a lot of rain lately, which was probably the reason why there was so much water, but it was difficult to hear anything else.
She grumbled under her breath again, knowing that she wouldn’t be going fishing anytime soon – not with her sprained ankle.
The neigh from the horse followed by the crushing of footsteps on the rocky ground caught her attention. She stopped and swung her gaze over her shoulder. The sun nearly blinded her, but a man’s tall, broad-shouldered figure was silhouetted in the brightness as he pulled his horse behind him holding the reins. He was dressed in a blue soldier’s uniform.
“Pardon me, but do you need assistance?”
His kindness warmed her heart, but she was sure she looked a fright – and wearing men’s trousers, no less.
“Thank you. I was bucked from my horse and in my fall, I twisted my ankle.”
“Then allow me to help.” He walked closer and stopped, bent, and scooped her into his arms.
She gasped from the suddenness and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding tightly for fear of him dropping her. Immediately, she noticed his masculine – and clean – scent, as if he had just taken a bath not long ago.
Once he situated her in his arms, she glanced at his face. He was too handsome, and being this close to him made her nervous. His short hair was black as coal, and his eyes were hazel. In fact, he reminded her a little of…
When recognition hit, she lost her breath. Realization turned her blood cold and made her stomach churn. She prayed the fall on the ground had somehow knocked something loose in her head, because she didn’t want to think of Emmett Robinson being this handsome or sweet. He was exactly opposite.
He lifted her on top of his horse to where she sat sideways, and she quickly made the switch, swinging her legs astride as she tried to get further away from him when he mounted behind her. That was when she realized her hands hadn’t been as cold as the blood flowing through her. In fact, she felt quite flushed, and just thinking about jumping into the river to cool off became tempting as each second passed.
“Th-thank you,” she said, almost having to spit the words out. She had never thanked him for anything before. It was hard to start now.
He glanced up at her and smiled a devilish, wicked smile. “I couldn’t leave a stranded woman helpless, now could I?”
It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him that he had left her stranded several times when they were younger. Instead, she gritted her teeth, not daring to say anything at all, as he situated himself behind her.
His arms reached around her as he gripped the reins and urged the animal into a trot. As much as she tried to hold herself still, her body couldn’t stop from bumping against him. The ride home would be complete agony.
“Are you going to tell me where to take you?” he asked in a deep voice.
Warm shivers ran over her. Even his voice had changed from what she remembered. She would just have to look at his face while talking to him, because then it would remind her of how utterly mean he’d been to her before he’d left join the military.
It bothered her that he didn’t recognize her. Then again, it had been almost ten years. She had been a girl in pigtails the last time he had seen her.
“I suspect,” she kept her voice steady, looking over her shoulder, “that I’m going in the same direction as you, Emmett Robinson.”
His gaze dropped to her face. Confusion filled his expression as he studied her face, slower this time. She waited for him to remember, but he still showed no signs of knowing her. It appeared as if she would have to help his memory along.
“It has been nearly ten years. I’m surprised you don’t recognize your stepmother’s niece.”
His eyes grew wide and his mouth hung agape. This time when his gaze moved over her, it was faster, and she could finally see the light of awareness in his eyes.
“Bae? That can’t be you.”
Inwardly, she groaned. She really hated that nickname he always used to use. Not once had he called her that name using a pleasant tone. It had always been rude and underhanded. “Yes, it’s me, Bailey.”
Even with the stunned expression across his face, his mouth stretched into a grin. “The years have been very kind to you. I cannot see the imp I used to know.”
Imp? She fisted her hand, wanting to punch him in the face. However, she refrained. Making him upset right now wasn’t a good idea. How else would she get home?
“And I must admit,” she replied in a tight voice, “that those years in the military has turned you into a strapping man.”
He straightened, smiling wider. “I made it to the rank of Captain.”
“Congratulations, that is indeed a high rank. So, what made you want to return home?”
The light in his eyes dimmed enough to notice. Even his smile slowly faded. “I knew it was time I did something else with my life.”
Part of her wanted to know what had brought him to that decision, and yet, another part of her didn’t really care. As long as he found his new life quickly and left the house, she would be very happy for him. Unfortunately, her luck had never been good when Emmett was around.
“And what about yourself?” He arched an eyebrow. “Have you made some man happy by becoming his wife?”
Bailey hesitated, thinking she heard a touch of sarcasm in his voice. “It’s really none of your business, but no, I haven’t. I’ve had other things keeping me busy.”
He blinked with wide eyes. “Other things? What could they possibly be?”
“That is for me to know, and you never to find out.”
She wasn’t sure what it was about Emmett that grated on her nerves all the time, but she was tired of this conversation, and tired of feeling as though he thought less of her just because she wasn’t married.
He shrugged and moved his attention back to the road. “As long as it makes you happy, I suppose you can do whatever you like.”
She fisted her hands in her lap and gritted her teeth. In her letter to Milly, Bailey worried that she might strangle – or shoot – Emmett. At this very moment, she wanted to do both, and she didn’t care what kind of problems it would cause. All she wanted was him out of her life, and she would do anything to make it happen.